Dear Members:

First and foremost, thank you for your continued support to our organization. Without you, NEBAALAS would not exist.

One of our objectives this coming year is to simplify our membership process.  We heard you and thank you for your feedback.  To that end following are some key changes effective January 1st.

  • All NEBAALAS memberships (Individual / Institutional) will be based on a calendar year (January 1st to December 31st)
  • The Institutional ‘Bundle’ membership package will be eliminated whereby all institutional members are converted to individual memberships.
  • The individuals will be combined into their own group for invoicing and payment purposes.
  • A single invoice will be created for institutions wishing to support a group of members.
  • Members will have a 90 day grace period for paying fees.

New members will still be allowed to join during the year by registering on the NEBAALAS website and paying the annual fee.  The membership will need to be renewed on January 1.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact:

Membership Registration/Renewal

Individual & Institutional
Membership in the New England Branch of AALAS (NEBAALAS) is open to all persons interested in the care, well-being, management, and use of laboratory animals as models for scientific investigation to benefit humans and animals. Membership benefits this year include access to our “member only” features on our website, website member directory access, quarterly e-Newsletter, event reminders, meeting registration discounts and more for all levels.

Individual Membership:
    Includes access to our “member only” features on our website, website member directory access, quarterly e-Newsletter, event reminders, meeting registration discounts.

Institutional Membership:  Organizations with six (6) or more members , qualify as a “Institutional Membership’. Benefits for this classification include: free classified advertising on the NEBAALAS website and the organization will have the right to publish their NEBAALAS membership in / on their advertising and marketing materials. One member of the organization will be designated as the ‘Institutional Representative’

If you are part of an institution and would like to submit one payment for all its members, please email a list of the member names to

Please note, new members are required to first register on the NEBAALAS website prior to a group invoice being generated.

For Credit Card payment please continue with the links below. If paying by check please download and fill out this form:

Membership Form


Vendor Membership: Includes 2 individual vendor memberships, website member directory access & two business contacts in the Vendor Directory. If you would like to enroll more than two vendor members, the rate is $20/person, please contact us with the additional names & information. Vendor membership also includes the opportunity to sponsor a meeting and advertise in the eNewsletter.

For more information on Vendor Memberships please go to the Vendor/Sponsor Membership Page.

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